1. Shenkar N, Loya Y (2008) Ecology and systematics of the ascidian fauna in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). In “Aqaba-Eilat, the Improbable Gulf. Environment, Biodiversity and Preservation” Editor FD Por, Magnes, Jerusalem. pp 197-208
2. *Gordon T, Shenkar N (2018) Ascidians as model organisms for regenerative studies. In “Marine Organisms as Model Systems in Biology and Medicine” Editors M Kloc, JZ Kubiak, Springer, Cham. p. 321-336
- Golanski D, Nachmias A, Kahn G, Fireman A, Hepner Ucko O, Shenkar N, Yahel G (2024) Massive colonization by the solitary ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus Heller, 1878, on the sandy bottom of the Israeli littoral. Aquat Inv 2024 In Press
- Harel E, Zucker I, Shenkar N (2024) Effects of biological filtration by ascidians on microplastic composition in the water column. Chemosphere 367 143589
- Vered G, Nordland O, Gozlan I, Shenkar N (2024) Occurrence of plastic additives in coral-reef invertebrates on natural and plastic substrates.
Mar Pollut Bull 208: 116935 - Navon G, Nordland O, Kaplan A, Avisar D, Shenkar N (2024) Detection of 10 commonly used pharmaceuticals in reef-building stony corals from shallow (5-12 m) and deep (30-40 m) sites in the Red Sea. Environ Pollut 124698
- Montesanto F, Gissi C, Mastrototaro F, Hadjez R, Huchon D, Novak L, Shenkar N (2023) Against the flow: Integrated taxonomy and environmental suitability of a cold-water species dispersing to warmer waters. Biol Inv 1-23
- Platin R, Shenkar N (2023) Can stand the heat–ecology of the potentially invasive ascidian Styela plicata along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Front Mar Sci 10: 1159231
- Galanidi M et al. (+30 co-authors) (2023) Validated inventories of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) for the Mediterranean Sea as tools for regional policy and patterns of NIS spread. Diversity 15, 962.
- Shenkar N (2023) Sea squirts adventures. Genesis e23560
- Vered G, Shenkar N (2023) Plastic pollution in a coral reef climate refuge: Occurrence of anthropogenic debris, microplastics, and plasticizers in the Gulf of Aqaba. Sci Tot Environ 16779
- Bereza D, Grey E, Shenkar N (2023) Prioritizing management of high-risk routes and ports by vessel type to improve marine biosecurity efforts. J Environ Manage 337 117597
- Huang X, Li H, Shenkar N, Zhan A (2023) Multidimensional plasticity jointly contributes to rapid acclimation to environmental challenges during biological invasions. RNA doi 10.1261/rna.079319.122
- Gordon T, Zaquin T, Kowarsky MA, Voskoboynik Y, Hendin N, Wurtzel O, Caicci F, Manni L, Voskoboynik A, Manni L, Shenkar N (2022) Stemness activity underlying whole brain regeneration in a basal chordate. Cells 11(23), 3727
- Vered G, Shenkar N (2022) Limited effects of environmentally-relevant concentrations in seawater of dibutyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate, bisphenol A, and 4-nonylphenol on the reproductive products of coral-reef organisms. Environ Pollut 314: 120285
- Hendin N, Gordon T, Shenkar N, Wurtzel O (2022) Molecular characterization of the immediate wound response of the solitary ascidian Polycarpa mytiligera Dev Dyn 2022 1-14
- Bereza D, Shenkar N (2022) Shipping voyage simulation reveals abiotic barriers to marine bioinvasions. Sci Tot Environ 837: 155741
- Shenkar N, Bereza D, Gordon T, Koplovitz G, Navon G, Novak L, Vered G (2022) Ascidians of the Red Sea: in peril and invasive. In Imperiled the Encyclopedia of Conservation. Elsevier
- Vered G, Shenkar N (2021) Monitoring plastic pollution in the oceans. Curr Opin Toxicol 27:60-68
- Navon G, Novak L, Shenkar N (2021). Proteomic changes in the solitary ascidian Herdmania momus following exposure to the anticonvulsant medication carbamazepine. Aquat Toxicol 237: 105886
- Gordon T, Upadhyay AK, Manni L, Huchon D, Shenkar N (2021) And then there were three…: Extreme regeneration ability of the solitary chordate Polycarpa mytiligera Front Cell Dev Biol 9: 793
- Ben-Tal A, Shenkar N, Paz A, Conley K, Sutherland K, Yahel G (2021) High mucous-mesh production by the ascidian Herdmania momus. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 663:223-228
- Jacobi Y, Shenkar N, Ward EJ, Rosa M, Ramon GZ, Shavit U, Yahel G (2021) Evasive plankton: Size‐independent particle capture by ascidians. Limnol and Oceanogr
- Anderson G, Shenkar N (2021) Potential effects of biodegradable single-use items in the sea: polylactic acid (PLA) and solitary ascidians. Environ Pollut 268: 115364
- Navon G, Kaplan A, Avisar D, Shenkar N (2020) Assessing pharmaceutical contamination along the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts of Israel: Ascidians (Chordata, Ascidiacea) as bioindicators Mar Pollut Bull Article 160: 111510
- Bereza D, Rosen D, Shenkar N (2020) Current trends in ship movement via the Suez Canal in relation to future legislation and mitigation of marine species introductions. Manag Biol Inv 11" 476-492
- Novak L, Shenkar N (2020) Occurrence of Didemnum perlucidum Monniot F., 1983 on artificial substrates along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Med Mar Sci
- Gordon T, Roth L, Caicci F, Manny L, Shenkar N (2020) Spawning induction, development and culturing of the solitary ascidian Polycarpa mytiligera, an emerging model for regeneration studies. Front Zool 17 1-14
- Tsiamis et al. (2020) Prioritizing marine invasive alien species in the European Union through horizon scanning. Aquat Conserv DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3267
- Tzafriri-Milo R, Benaltabet T, Torfstein A, Shenkar N (2019) The potential use of invasive ascidians for biomonitoring heavy-metal pollution. Front Mar Sci doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00611
- Avisar D, Kaplan A,Ronen-Eliraz G, Vered G, Shenkar N, Gozlan I (2019) Validated method for the detection of three phthalates derived from marine invertebrates. Am J Anal Chem 10:445-458
- Levitt-Barmats Y, Yanai Z, Magory-Cohen T, Shenkar N (2019) Life-history traits and ecological characteristics of the ornamental shrimp Neocaridina denticulata (De Haan, 1844), recently introduced into the freshwater systems of Israel. Aquat Inv 14: 684-702
- Gilbert P, Porter SM, Sun CY, Xiao S, Gibson BM, Shenkar N, Knoll AH (2019) Biomineralization by particle attachment in early animals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
- Gordon T, Manny L, Shenkar N (2019) Regeneration ability in four stolidobranch ascidians: Ecological and evolutionary implications. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 519 151184
- Kuplik Z, Novak L, Shenkar N (2019) Proteomic profiling of ascidians as a tool for biomonitoring marine environments. PLoS One 14(4): e0215005.
- Vered G, Kaplan A, Avisar D, Shenkar N (2019) Using solitary ascidians to assess microplastic and phthalate plasticizers pollution among marine biota: A case study of the Eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea. Mar Pollut Bull 138: 618-625
- Chen Y, Shenkar N, Ni P, Lin Y, Li S, Zhan A (2018) Rapid microevolution during recent range expansion to harsh environments. BMC Evol Biol 18: 187
- Dror H, Novak L, Evans JS, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N (2018) Core and dynamic microbial communities of two invasive ascidians on a wide geographic scale. Microbial Ecology
- Gewing M, Goldstein E, Buba Y, Shenkar N (2018) Temperature resilience facilitates invasion success of the solitary ascidian Herdmania momus. Biol Inv
- Shenkar N, Rosen D (2018) How the invention of the shipping container influenced marine bioinvasion. Manag Biol Invasion 9:187-194
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Shenkar N, Lopez-Legentil S (2018) A comparison of symbiotic microbial communities in nonnative and native ascidians from reef and harbor habitats. FEMS Microbiol Ecol doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy139
- *Levitt-Barmats Y, Shenkar N* (2018) Investigating the symbiotic relationship between the caridean shrimp Odontonia sibogae (Bruce, 1972) and its ascidian host Herdmania momus (Savigny, 1816). PLoS One 13(2): e0192045
- Karachle PK, Corsini Foka M, Crocetta F, Dulčić J, Dzhembekova N, Galanidi M, Ivanova P, Shenkar N, Skolka M, Stefanova E, Stefanova K, Surgiu V, Uysal I, Verlaque M, Zenetos A (2017) Setting-up a billboard of marine invasive species in the ESENIAS area: current situation and future expectancies. Acta Adriat 58(3): 429 – 458
- *Jacobi Y, Yahel G, Shenkar N (2017) Efficient filtration of micron and submicron particles by ascidians from oligotrophic waters. Limnol and Oceanogr doi:10.1002/lno.10736
- Gewing M, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N* (2017) Anthropogenic factors influencing invasive ascidian establishment in natural environments. Mar Environ Res 131: 236-242
- Evans JS, Erwin PM, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2017) Introduced ascidians harbor highly diverse and host-specific symbiotic microbial assemblages. Sci Rep. 7(1):11033
- Granot I, Shenkar N, Belmaker J (2017) Habitat niche breadth predicts invasiveness in ascidians. Ecol Evol 7:7838–7847
- Villalobos SM, Lambert G, Shenkar N, López-Legentil S (2017) Distribution and population dynamics of key ascidians in North Carolina harbors and marinas Aquat Inv 12 (4):447-458
- Shlesinger T, Shenkar N, Loya Y* (2017) Gamete spawning of the ascidian Phallusia nigra in the Red Sea. Bull Mar Sci. Available on line
- Gewing M, Shenkar N* (2017) Monitoring the magnitude of marine vessel infestation by non-indigenous ascidians in the Mediterranean. Mar Pollut Bull 121:52-59
- Shmuel Y, Shenkar N* (2017) Reproductive cycle and ecology of the tropical ascidian Halocynthia spinosa in the Red Sea. Mar Biol 164:147
- Novak L, López-Legentil S, Shenkar N* (2017) Rapid establishment of the non-indigenous ascidian Styela plicata and its associated bacteria in marinas and fishing harbors along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Mediterr Mar Sci 18: 324-331
- Zenetos A, Çinar ME, Crocetta F, Golani D, Rosso A, Servello G, Shenkar N, Turon X, Verlaque M (2017) Uncertainties and validation of alien species catalogues: the Mediterranean as an example. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf 191:171-187
- Shenkar N*, Shmuel Y, Huchon D (2017) The invasive ascidian Ciona robusta recorded from a Red Sea marina. Mar Biodivers doi:10.1007/s12526-017-0699-y
- Tassia MG, Cannon JT, Konikoff CE, Shenkar N, Halanych KM, Swalla BJ* (2016) The Global Diversity of Hemichordata. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0162564. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162564
- Tsiamis* et al. (2016) The EASIN Editorial Board: quality assurance, exchange and sharing of alien species information in Europe. Management of Biological Invasions 7:321-328
- Shenkar N*, Koplovitz G, Dray L, Gissi C, Huchon D (2016) Back to solitude- Solving the phylogenetic position of Diazonidae a molecular and developmental approach. Mol Phylo Evol 100: 51-56
- Raijman-Nagar L, Shenkar N* (2016) Temperature and salinity sensitivity of the invasive ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus. Aquat Invasions 11(1): 33–43
- Raijman-Nagar L, Shenkar N* (2016) From tropical to sub-tropical: prolonged reproductive activiy of the invasive ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus in the eastern Mediterranean. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,
- Gewing M, Bronstein O, Raijman Nagar L, Granot I, Frid O, Shenkar N* (2016) First record of the non-indigenous ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus, Heller 1878, in Cyprus. Mar Biodivers 46: 937-941
- Koplovitz G, Shmuel Y, Shenkar N* (2016) Floating docks in tropical environments- a reservoir for the opportunistic ascidian Herdmania momus. Manag Biol Invasion 7(1): 43-50
- Shenkar N*, Gordon T (2015) Gut-spilling in chordates: Evisceration in the tropical ascidian Polycarpa mytiligera. Sci Rep doi:10.1038/srep09614
- Koplovitz G, Hirose E, Hirose M, Shenkar N* (2015) Being Green in the Red Sea - Ecology of the Photosymbiotic Ascidian Diplosoma simile (Ascidiacea: Didemnidae) in the Gulf of Aqaba. Syst Biodivers 13(2): 131-139
- Levitt Y*, De Grave S, Shenkar N (2014) First record of an invasive shrimp from the family Processidae (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the Mediterranean Sea. Medit Mar Sci 15: 650-653
- Gewing M, Rhotman SBS, Raijman Nagar L, Shenkar N* (2014) Early stages of establishment of the non-indigenous ascidian Herdmania momus (Savigny, 1816) in shallow and deep water environments on natural substrates in the Mediterranean Sea. BioInv Rec 3: 77-81
- Rubinstein N, Feldstein T, Shenkar N, Botero Castro F, Griggio F, Mastrototaro F, Delsuc F, Douzery EJP, Gissi C, Huchon D (2013) Deep sequencing of mixed total DNA without barcodes allows efficient assembly of highly plastic ascidian mitochondrial genomes. Genome Biol Evol 5:1185-1199
- Shenkar N *(2013) A new species of the genus Rhopalaea (Ascidiacea) from the Red Sea. Zootaxa, 3599 (1): 051–058
- Appeltans et al. (+115 co-authors) (2012) Magnitude of global marine biodiversity: one third of sea creatures discovered. Curr Biol 22:1-14 Highlighted in “Nature Research Highlights” Nature 491: 498
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- Shenkar N* (2012) Ascidian (Chordata, Ascidiacea) diversity in the Red Sea. Mar Biodiv doi 10.1007/s12526-012-0124-5
- Shenkar N*, Swalla BJS (2011) Global diversity of Ascidiacea. PLoS One, 6(6): e20657
- Lambert G, Shenkar N, Swalla BJS (2010) First Pacific record of the north Atlantic ascidian Molgula citrina- bioinvasion or circumpolar distribution? Aquatic Inv 5:369-378
- Shenkar N, Lambert G (2010) A new species of the genus Boltenia (Ascidiacea) from the Red Sea. Zootaxa 2391: 61–68
- Shenkar N, Swalla BJS (2010) Molecular data confirms synonym in Roscovite molgulid ascidians. Cah Biol Mar 51:85-87
- Tsagkogeorga G, Turon X, Hopcroft RR, Tilak M, Feldstein T, Shenkar N, Loya Y, Huchon D, Douzery EJP, Delsuc F (2009) An updated 18S rRNA phylogeny of tunicates based on mixture and secondary structure models. BMC Evol Biol 9:187
- Singh TR, Tsagkogeorga G, Delsuc F, Blanquart S, Shenkar N, Loya Y, Douzery EJP, Huchon D (2009) Tunicate mitogenomics and phylogenetics: peculiarities of the Herdmania momus mitochondrial genome and support for the new chordate phylogeny. BMC Genomics 10:534
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- Shenkar N*, Bronstein O, Loya Y (2008) Population dynamics of a coral reef ascidian in a deteriorating environment. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 367:163-171
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1. Shenkar N, Loya Y (2008) Ecology and systematics of the ascidian fauna in the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba). In “Aqaba-Eilat, the Improbable Gulf. Environment, Biodiversity and Preservation” Editor FD Por, Magnes, Jerusalem. pp 197-208
2. *Gordon T, Shenkar N (2018) Ascidians as model organisms for regenerative studies. In “Marine Organisms as Model Systems in Biology and Medicine” Editors M Kloc, JZ Kubiak, Springer, Cham. p. 321-336